100% Raw Human Hair

Our company has three qualities of hair, Raw hair, Super virgin hair and Top virgin hair. We only provide the absolute best 100% unprocessed human hair without any type of chemical treatment. The main difference the hair types is Raw hair is hair from the same person (100% cuticle aligned) , Super virgin is hair from one or two people mixed together (90-95% cuticle aligned), and Top virgin is hair from two or three people mixed together (80% cuticle aligned). Because everyone's hair scales are different, like super virgin and top virgin are a mix of multiple people's hair, so the bleaching and coloring will be uneven, and there will be varying degrees of color difference. Under a microscope, hair is scaly, like fish scales, the scales are the building blocks of the hair. Intact scales are smooth and undamaged with neat edges. With smooth scales, hair is smooth, shiny and easy to comb. Therefore, the presence or absence of intact scales affects the quality of the hair. So, because raw hair is from the same donor, it is the best quality! 

3 Results

Raw Hair Bundles
Sold out

Raw Hair Bundles

Thomas Family Esentials

from $246.00

Unit price

2 colors
Sold out

1B Raw Hair HD Lace Wigs 100% Human Hair One Donor (13x4, 13x6, 4x4 &5x5)

Thomas Family Essentials

from $418.00

Unit price

Sold out

1B Raw Hair HD Lace Wigs 100% Human Hair One Donor (6x6, 7x7 & 2x6)

Thomas Family Essentials

from $427.00

Unit price